Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Grand Cru 7.1

This post is going to be about the restaurant Grand Cru, owns by my husband and me. We open Grand Cur 3 years ago on August 24th at 2 pm.

My husband left for Switzerland.

This was the scheduled trip and he could not cancel it.

So, I, my chef, and my servers were opening this place at that day. I remember, we already had potential customers, who were looking at the windows, and asking when place will be open.

Here it is!

From the beginning, the restaurant business was very slow, and this fact was expected. People do not know the place, and we needed to do marketing and promotions.

Eventually my servers left, because of lack of business, and I was performing as a server, sometimes cook, and dishwasher, accountant, and lastly the manager. It was taught, but this was only start.

Challenges were everyday: chef did not show of for his shift, food comes very slow, short staff on the front. All situation, in general was a little bit a disaster.

I never run restaurant before.

This was the first time experience. Nobody taught me anything regarding this matter, and I was learning and figure tings out as I went. Before you open, you have no idea about the thing you have missed or have not paid attention before the open. Especially, if this is you first restaurant in you life.

Eventually, things got better. We started to have our regular customers, who were supporting the Grand Cru every day.

Our team has changed many times during the restaurant existence. Usually, stuff rotating often in the restaurant business.

Now, we have great people with us, who help Grand Cru be more successful and well know in the local area around the Arlington. Customer service is critical in the restaurant business.

I am happy that my servers are very personal and welcoming, charming and warm with Grand Cur’s customers.

We have delisious item on the menu; it took us a while to get there.

Finally, Grand Cru is gaining popularity, success, individualism and pride around the area.

I hope, one day I will see you, my friends, there, and will be proud to offer you a glass of good wine and some tapas to snack on with it.

See you there soon!

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